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Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement
To view our Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement click here.

Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement

Information can be found at www.shadowimmobiliser.com

LEGAL TERMS: You acknowledge and accept that:
(a) save as set out in this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement, your use of the Shadow Immobilisation Service is subject to our standard terms and conditions, which can be found at www.globaltelemetrics.com/terms (our “Terms and Conditions”);
(b) you should, in particular, review the “Remote Immobilisation Service” section of our Terms and Conditions, which sets out important information regarding the use of the Shadow Immobilisation Service;
(c) the Shadow Immobilisation Service is NOT a tracking, vehicle recovery or “first notice of loss” service; and
(d) save as set out in this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement, those elements of our Terms and Conditions that oblige us to process or use geo-location data will not apply to the Shadow Immobilisation Service (but we retain the right to on the basis set out under section (d) of “Privacy” below).

PRIVACY: You acknowledge and accept that:
(a) save as set out in this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement, the Shadow Immobilisation Service is subject to our general privacy policy. This gives full details of who we are and how we treat your data, and can be found at
www.globaltelemetrics.com/terms (our “General Privacy Policy”);
(b) the immobilisation device used to facilitate the Shadow Immobilisation Service may
have the ability to capture and transmit geo-location data regarding vehicles in which it is installed;
(c) however, save as set out in this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement, those elements of our General Privacy Policy that require or allow us to process or use geo-location data will not apply to the Shadow Immobilisation Service; and
(d) in particular:
i. geo-location data which may be collected will not be provided through our website, apps or call-centre;
ii. we will not actively monitor any geo-location data provided in respect of the Shadow Immobilisation Service unless: it is necessary to do so to perform a contract we have with you; it is necessary to pursue our legitimate
interests; we have your consent to do so; we are required to do so to aid with Police investigations; or it is otherwise required to comply with our legal obligations (all as more particularly set out in our General Privacy Policy); and
iii. geo-location data will, if transmitted by the relevant device, be retained on our systems, processed and / or anonymised in accordance with our General Privacy Policy.

CONFLICT: In the event of any conflict between this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement and our Terms and Conditions or General Privacy Policy, this Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement takes priority.

GT0128v1 Dated: 01/09/21 Shadow Immobiliser Service Statement


Terms & Conditions
To view our Terms & Conditions click here.

Dealer Terms & Conditions
If you are a Reseller or Dealer of our products your terms and conditions are available here

Warranty Terms & Conditions
To view our Warranty Terms & Conditions click here.

Privacy Policy
When you use Global Telemetrics services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy has been written to help you understand what data we collect, why we use it and what we do with it. To view our Privacy Policy click here.

D-iD Privacy Policy
To view our Privacy Policy click here.

Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement
To view our Shadow Immobilisation Service Statement click here.